April 14-19, 2020 TOMO tournament coming soon.
Better tread that water because competition is strong this year again!
This tournament is extremely important because it contributes to the development and popularization of this sport in the world and presents the significance of the permanent professional dedication and work with younger children, which has always been priority to the entire team of Waterpolo club Jug Croatia Osiguranje trough many years of work.
Tomo Udovičić dedicated most of his life to the education of young generations of players. The most important lesson he gave them was that investing in yourself makes you part of a great team. As result of his devotion and effort, today we have water polo club Jug as one of the most successful clubs which gave many great talents to this country and the world. Therefore, it is our honor to name this this tournament after him.
I believe that all participants will show what the true sport spirit is through the fair play and honest team work what will make you, dear players the best promotors and ambassadors of water polo.
It is my pleasure also to invite you to explore cultural and historical heritage of our city and hopefully this glance will motivate you to visit Dubrovnik again.
On behalf of water polo Club “Jug” I would like to wish the best of luck and success to all
players, coaches, club leaders and media representatives!
Tomislav Dumančić,
President of Jug Croatia osiguranje